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Tad Ehrlich 设计的坟场概念图[1]


  • 死亡将移除大部分腐化值。[4]
  • 获得经验值将也可以减少腐化值。[2]
    在你移除腐化时尝试捕捉你,这为赏金猎人带来一个有趣的体验。[2]Steven Sharif
  • 腐化玩家或可以透过任务来减少玩家击杀数,让此后可以累积较少腐化值。[5][4]
    • 原本设计是透过信仰任务来直接减少玩家腐化值。[6]
  • 身处军战节点时能减少腐化时间。[7]


Alpha-1 预览 — 腐化玩家[8]

累积腐化时,你有机会失去完整的道具、武器、护甲之类难以入手的物品。另外,为了防止玩家创建一个 PvP 专用角色,击杀愈多玩家,将会累积愈多腐化,PvP 能力亦会愈低。若你在野外击杀了大概二十个玩家... 你将再无法进行 PvP,你将需要做点事来移除腐化。另一方面是,击杀等级远低于你的非战斗员玩家时,你将会获得较多腐化,以致于你不会想击杀一名等级一的玩家。[9]Steven Sharif

战斗员 (紫色) 玩家进行 PvP 击杀非战斗员 (绿色) 玩家时,会被标记腐化 (红色)[10]

  • 击杀愈多非战斗员玩家,腐化值愈高。[11][12]
没有风险之下获得的奖励都是毫无意义的... 腐化一词只是用来代表风险。[13]Steven Sharif
因为只有是队友才能看见对方的生命值,你将不能准确预测多少伤害会击杀目标玩家,这便是另一个增加风险的因素。[14]Steven Sharif
  • 腐化值伴随着腐化惩罚。[15] 腐化值愈高:
    连续击杀十名玩家时,你或会开始感到技能的效果大大减弱。在能够实际测试这个设计和相关设定前,我不想提供任何实际数字或曲线,避免玩家进行推论演算。可是能力减弱背后的目的不是要限制玩家游戏的乐趣,而是将“互相让步”和“风险与回报”融入游戏:不断累积腐化的风险不仅是掉落装备和受到更严重的死亡惩罚,更是会渐渐失去进行 PvP 的能力。[18]Steven Sharif
    累积愈多腐化,PvP 能力减弱效果愈大,且最终将会失去所有装备,PvP 能力亦会大大减低。[20]Steven Sharif
  • 腐化效果将会显示在角色身上。[21]
  • 非战斗员即使攻击腐化玩家,也不会被标记成战斗员。[3]
  • 腐化玩家身处的位置将会显示在]的地图上。[11][10]
  • 腐化玩家击杀赏金猎人时,将不会增加腐化值。[22][23]
    • 与赏金猎人战斗时,腐化玩家将不受战斗惩罚影响。[22]
  • 腐化玩家将无法进行交易、以及存放物品到公共仓库[24]


Alpha-1 — 于户外地下城死亡[25]

We don't have deleveling, instead what we have is experience debt. Now the more experience debt you accrue, the greater the detriment to your character; not to the point where you can not get out of the debt. There will always be a way forward to remove your debt.[26]Steven Sharif

玩家死亡时会化为灰烬。灰烬中包含玩家因死亡惩罚而掉落的物品[27][28][16][29] 任何玩家都可以即时拾取灰烬。[27] 拾取灰烬不会触发玩家标记[30]

  • 非战斗员 (绿色玩家) 死亡时,将遭受一般惩罚,包括:[16]
    When players die and they take durability loss, our durability loss isn't like other games where it's a gold sink so to speak. It's a combination of both a gold sink and a material sink. So in a sense, even if you only have completed items, when you take that durability loss you are losing out on materials. It's just a debt to the materials that you are losing instead of the active loss of that material in your inventory. So now you are accruing a material debt if you want to repair and increase again the performance of those particular items that take that durability loss.[33]Steven Sharif
  • 战斗员 (紫色玩家) 遭受的死亡惩罚是非战斗员一半。[16]
  • 腐化 (红色玩家) 遭受的死亡惩罚是非战斗员四倍,并根据目前的腐化值,有机会掉落背包内或装备中的物品[11] 包括:[11][16]

满等角色死亡时将损失约 2-3% 总经验值 (未定)。[41]

  • As of May 28, 2021, the experience debt in Alpha-1 testing is "completely off mark" and will either be changed or disabled prior to the next spot test.[41]

死亡惩罚将不适用于存在特定目标的活动 (例如商队公会战节点战)。[42]

There will not be death penalties applied to event-based deaths. The penalties are in the outcome of the event. So your number of deaths is likely going to impact your ability to win that particular event and that's going to be the penalty. This is it to encourage players to opt in to the events right because the more participation we have the more fun it can be; and we understand that the community at large- there's already a risk versus reward component to these events. We don't need to stack on additional risk versus reward to inhibit kind of- to increase the barrier to entry for players who may not be as interested.[42]Steven Sharif
  • PvPPvE 情况下死亡将遭受同样的惩罚 (未定)。[43]


Death penalties

角色死亡 in an open world dungeon in Alpha-1.[25]

We don't have deleveling, instead what we have is experience debt. Now the more experience debt you accrue, the greater the detriment to your character; not to the point where you can not get out of the debt. There will always be a way forward to remove your debt.[26]Steven Sharif

Death penalties (mostly) do not apply to objective-based PvP (also called sanctioned events).[53][54][55][42]

There will not be death penalties applied to event-based deaths. The penalties are in the outcome of the event. So your number of deaths is likely going to impact your ability to win that particular event and that's going to be the penalty. This is it to encourage players to opt in to the events right because the more participation we have the more fun it can be; and we understand that the community at large- there's already a risk versus reward component to these events. We don't need to stack on additional risk versus reward to inhibit kind of- to increase the barrier to entry for players who may not be as interested.[42]Steven Sharif

Non-corrupt players suffer reduced death penalties in naval PvP (open seas) zones.[52]

  • These penalties will be less than those for a green player.[56]
Q: We know that the normal death penalty incurs a myriad of penalties for the player, but we don't know the numbers behind this penalty. For instance, what percentage of materials do players drop? What percentage of glint is dropped? How severe is the skill and stat dampening? What is the average time it will take a player to work off XP debt from one death?
A: You're asking about percentile values. You're asking about time that it takes to recoup the percentage and whatnot. Any time that we're at a stage we're in now, and that in Alpha-2 we're going to be testing this, those values are the most subject to change. So to be clear, we're going to do [a] best-guess balance pass for Alpha-2 with the full expectation and understanding that the purpose is- and take into consideration player interaction with those numbers, and what feels best. So just off the bat, those values are not what we should be focusing on at this stage; but, to give you an idea where we are: First of all, when we're talking about dropping items that are in your material inventory, whether that be glint or that be other material types, we're talking roughly between anywhere from 20 to 30% of a stack is going to be lootable on a per-death basis. Now, that is a value that can change based off of the types of bags that you are using to carry those materials. In addition, there's other progression that can allow you, and some stats I believe, that can allow you to mitigate that value also. When we are talking about the percentage that's lost, or excuse me, not lost, the percentage of your level that is accrued as experience debt from death, generally you can expect that that's going to live around three to four percent of the level in accrued experience debt per death. However, additionally, there is a way to mitigate that percentage debt; and that is through the resurrection ability that's provided to Clerics. So, Clerics have the ability to resurrect their allies, and that resurrection will return a percentage that would have been accrued as experience debt. And that return percentage is predicated on the investment into the resability [sic], as well as the stat of the Cleric that is tied to the resurrection effect as well. So those can return percentages, so you can mitigate that to a degree. How long will it take you to recover that, and what stat dampening occurs? Anywhere within a level, if you acquire 100% experience debt for that level, you max out the experience debt, essentially, you don't ever buy that down, you're probably looking around a 20% stat efficacy dampener. So on average, if you're at 100% debt for a level, and you got to work all that off before you can start progressing at the level again, you're at around 20% overall stat dampening. Time it takes you to regain that debt is predicated on the level you're at and how you exp. So, that's a highly variable value.[45]Steven Sharif

Experience debt

Experience debt (negative experience) is a death penalty that scales to approximately 3 to 4 percent of the total XP for that level (subject to change based on testing).[45] This was previously stated to be 2 or 3 percent of the total XP for a max level player.[57][41][26][31]

We don't have deleveling, instead what we have is experience debt. Now the more experience debt you accrue, the greater the detriment to your character; not to the point where you can not get out of the debt. There will always be a way forward to remove your debt.[26]Steven Sharif
  • Characters accumulate experience debt on death. This does not delevel characters, but does have detrimental effects until the debt is paid off.[26]
Experience debt is the bite of not achieving success. If I die to a monster because my strategy was bad, because my performance was bad, because my planning was bad: all of that means that debt is the cost I pay for the bad choice.[57]Steven Sharif
When we are talking about... the percentage of your level that is accrued as experience debt from death, generally you can expect that that's going to live around three to four percent of the level in accrued experience debt per death. However, additionally, there is a way to mitigate that percentage debt; and that is through the resurrection ability that's provided to Clerics. So, Clerics have the ability to resurrect their allies, and that resurrection will return a percentage that would have been accrued as experience debt. And that return percentage is predicated on the investment into the resability [sic], as well as the stat of the Cleric that is tied to the resurrection effect as well. So those can return percentages, so you can mitigate that to a degree.[45]Steven Sharif
  • 技能点 accrue at specific XP milestones to avoid creating an imbalance with experience debt.[60]
  • Experience debt is paid down by the player gaining experience. This applies even to max-level players. Rested experience will increase the rate that the debt is paid back.[61]
Q: Does experience debt at max level interact with rested experience? So, let's say I have experience at max level, will I be able to use rested experience to gain the experience back?
A: Yes. Rested experience is a modifier that occurs when you first receive the experience and then after that modifier happens where that experience goes to buy down the debt is what happens. So, if you have rested experience and you have experience debt and you go out to collect experience, you will be working that debt off faster because of the rested experience.[61]Steven Sharif



  1. 直播, 2018-07-09 (20:41).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 访谈, 2020-07-18 (44:35).
  3. 3.0 3.1 访谈, 2017-04-27 (0:17).
  4. 4.0 4.1 访谈, 2020-07-19 (30:51).
  5. steven-removing-corruption.png
  6. 直播, 2018-06-04 (2:18).
  7. pvp corruption duration.png
  8. 影片, 2020-05-31 (5:29).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (51:31).
  10. 10.0 10.1 pvp flagging.png
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 访谈, 2020-07-18 (41:54).
  12. 12.0 12.1 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  13. corruption2.jpg
  14. 直播, 2020-01-30 (1:40:48).
  15. 15.0 15.1 corruption.jpg
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 Podcast, 2017-05-05 (43:05).
  17. 访谈, 2018-05-11 (5:05).
  18. Podcast, 2021-04-11 (38:31).
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 直播, 2017-11-17 (35:20).
  20. 20.0 20.1 直播, 2017-05-22 (42:33).
  21. 访谈, 2017-02-01 (39:33).
  22. 22.0 22.1 steven-bounty-hunters-1.png
  23. 访谈, 2017-04-27 (1:18).
  24. 24.0 24.1 直播, 2021-04-30 (1:14:49).
  25. 25.0 25.1 直播, 2020-03-28 (1:58:24).
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Podcast, 2018-04-23 (49:21).
  27. 27.0 27.1 直播, 2021-03-26 (1:07:33).
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 a419c5398b542a713545e4f393d67215.png
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 访谈, 2020-07-18 (27:11).
  30. Podcast, 2021-04-11 (34:41).
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 直播, 2017-05-19 (13:37).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Ashes of Creation Forums - Former Lineage 2 PvP'er wanting to discuss PvP loopholes.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 访谈, 2021-02-07 (13:14).
  34. 34.0 34.1 访谈, 2020-07-29 (16:46).
  35. 35.0 35.1 直播, 2021-01-29 (1:24:27).
  36. 直播, 2018-09-27 (47:46).
  37. 37.0 37.1 访谈, 2018-05-11 (15:41).
  38. 38.0 38.1 访谈, 2017-04-27 (9:28).
  39. 39.0 39.1 直播, 2021-06-25 (1:15:37).
  40. 访谈, 2018-05-11 (3:43).
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 直播, 2021-05-28 (1:50:50).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 直播, 2020-12-22 (1:13:51).
  43. 43.0 43.1 直播, 2017-05-15 (36:23).
  44. 直播, 2017-07-28 (50:22).
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 直播, 2024-03-29 (3:21).
  46. 直播, 2022-10-28 (26:48).
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 直播, 2022-10-28 (24:28).
  48. CC effects do notapply to non-combatants.png
  49. 49.0 49.1 访谈, 2023-09-10 (53:47).
  50. 50.0 50.1 直播, 2022-12-02 (1:26:02).
  51. steven-corruption-gear-drop.png
  52. 52.0 52.1 访谈, 2023-07-09 (36:56).
  53. 直播, 2023-02-24 (1:29:45).
  54. 54.0 54.1 直播, 2022-06-30 (1:14:52).
  55. 55.0 55.1 直播, 2021-08-27 (1:22:56).
  56. 访谈, 2023-07-09 (38:03).
  57. 57.0 57.1 直播, 2023-04-07 (40:30).
  58. 直播, 2023-07-28 (1:01:30).
  59. 直播, 2023-04-28 (1:22:57).
  60. 直播, 2023-07-28 (1:03:27).
  61. 61.0 61.1 直播, 2023-09-29 (1:18:04).