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Alpha-1 角色上下身分開 近戰 戰鬥預覽。[1]

角色揮動武器的同時可以移動,也可以一邊退後一邊繼續攻擊。攻擊的同時玩家可以完全控制角色。[1]Steven Sharif

改良後的戰鬥系統將根據玩家意見在 Alpha-1 測試中推出。[2][3][4]

  • 改良的目標是希望給予玩家更多主導權,施放技能時可以更靈活流暢地戰鬥[5][6]
  • 目前的 Tab 鍵和無鎖定混合戰鬥系統在改良後仍會保留。[5]
  • 改良後的版本並不是戰鬥系統的最終設計,但會反映日後開發方向。[7]
  • 此版本會持續更新,並在不同階段開放予玩家測試。[6]


揮動武器的同時,角色將可以自由行動,讓玩家近戰攻擊時完全操作角色。[1]Steven Sharif

初期 Alpha-1 測試的重點是核心系統的運作,而不是戰鬥平衡[9]

我留意到很多人在談論傷害數值和生命值之類的東西。這方面有兩點:一,我再重申這不是為了測試遊戲內容,目前只進行了初步的平衡調整,大多的平衡會在特定系統日後實際測試時進行。我們目前的重點是這些系統的核心運作,而不是細微的調整。因此我不會太在意目前的平衡性。[9]Steven Sharif

Hybrid combat

Alpha-1 early hybrid combat demo.[10]

You'll notice as I go into action mode, I have my reticle and when my reticle hovers over an enemy target, it'll turn red, essentially showing like "hey we know you have a valid target hit" that you can see; and when you press 'Q' you can lock on to that target. You can also hold tab to alternate between targets. So like that's an important aspect of the combat that we're trying to incorporate, which is mixing and meshing between tab and action, so you still have that action component but also are available to use some of your tab targeted skills.[11]Steven Sharif

混合戰鬥是指玩家在遊戲中可以選擇以 Tab 鍵鎖定無鎖定模式進行戰鬥[11][12]

  • 點擊 Z 鍵 (預設快捷鍵是 Z,玩家可以設置成其他快捷鍵) 讓玩家切換至無鎖定或 Tab 鍵鎖定戰鬥模式。[13][5][10][14]
  • 無鎖定模式設有準星,與第三人稱動作遊戲相似。[11][10][14][15]
    • 玩家無須處於準星模式來施放無鎖定技能。[16]
    施放指向性無鎖定技能,玩家無須處於準星模式。技能會自動判定準星的位置施放。因此如果玩家使用 Tab鍵鏡頭模式憑感覺瞄準,也可以使用無鎖定技能。[16]Steven Sharif
    • The reticle will highlight/change color (to red) to indicate if the current target is able to be hit with the currently prepared skill.[11][10]
    • Action combat abilities will not have a lock-on feature but pressing Q while in action mode will lock on to the current target to enable the use of tab-oriented skills in action mode.[13][11]
    Action combat abilities will not have a lock-on feature so to speak. Some of those are going to be skill shot only. However because you can have a mix and match of tab abilities that require a target, you will be able to target lock in action mode as well. Right now that's delegated to the Q key as default, but you can obviously set that up you could put it on your left mouse button, or you could put it wherever you want; and when your reticle hovers over a target, it rapidly swaps your target ability and when you press your target lock it will then lock that target; and if you have tab-oriented skills, you can use your tab oriented skills and they will be used against that target.[13]Steven Sharif
    • Holding Tab while in action mode will alternate between targets.[11]
    • Pressing right-click while in action mode will switch to tab mode for the currently highlighted target.[10]
    • The action camera is tied to the to player's reticle. There will likely be a hotkey that when held down will allow free camera movement.[17]
    • In future the user will have the ability to choose from different reticle appearances.[18]
  • The tab mode (MMO mode) facilitates tab targeted combat.[10][14] A tab-targeted ability requires a target in order to utilize that skill.[13][15]
    • Pressing left-click in tab mode will attack the target (with the currently selected weapon).[10]
    • There will be a "target of target" capability on the user interface.[19]

Hybrid combat is being tested in Alpha-1.[11][20]

  • Targeting modes are able to be achieved through choice of skills/abilities.[13][20][21]
    • It may not be possible to be able to fully spec into just action or tab targeted skills. There might be a 75% cap on choosing skills from any one type.[21]
    • Different ranks of the same skill can change the skill from tab to action targeted or vice-versa.[22]

Skill progressions, skill point allocation is determined by the player. The player will be able to choose either more tab-target oriented skills or more action-based skills and customize their playable experience to what accommodates their preference. From a balancing standpoint for us developers, we need to make sure that certain abilities house certain functions so that there's a balance between skill shots and tab-target abilities.[21]Steven Sharif

Action oriented and tab oriented versions of skills will have different characteristics. Variables will change based on which version is chosen.[23]

  • Damage.[23]
  • Charge up time.[23]
  • CC effects.[23]
  • Cooldown.[24]
  • Energy consumption.[24]
  • Cost to spec.[24]
  • Attack range will likely remain the same; as it is driven by the weapon or skill itself.[25]

As an example: Let's say you're playing a ranged class. You could have an action-oriented power shot in your skill tree or you could have a single target power shot that ramps up and does more damage. [23]Steven Sharif


For the purposes of balance, certain skill types will be either tab or action oriented skills. For example:[24]

  • Hard CCs may be housed in action oriented skills because they are skill shots that are more difficult to land.[24][21]
  • Softer CC's would be housed in tab-targeted abilities.[24]

Weapon combo system (Combat animation montage)

Alpha-2 greatsword weapon combo animation.[26]

Whenever you get stab hits on the third and the fourth hit, those are actually procs. So, if you connect with the second hit of that proc hit you'll receive the additional effects, but you actually have to connect with a monster or player to receive the effect; and I think the proc rate is at a static 25 percent right now. We're looking at other ways to scale that. Maybe it scales with a stat, or maybe it scales with additional nodes, but right now it's kind of low.[27]Brian Ferguson

A weapon combo system (also referred to as Weapon use combo, Weapon attack combo, Weapon combo, and Weapon use ability) is utilized instead of a traditional auto-attack ability in Ashes of Creation.[26][28][29][30][31][32][33]

Let's say for example you're using a two-handed warhammer or something and you have a number of weapon combos that play animation style based on how many combos deep you go into an attack with that warhammer. So the first is going to be like a forward swing. Second is going to be a back swing. The third is going to be swing down and the fourth is going to be some twirl that you do; and that's what we call the combo animation montage.[34]Steven Sharif
  • The number of steps and passive effects that trigger during weapon combos can be customized in the weapon skill tree.[36][37]
We wanted to have a combo length progression available to players so that certain builds could have longer weapon combos and other builds can have shorter weapon combos with more passive effects.; and this has been the result of our exploration. So, when you start out you've got a pretty quick four-hit combo, but whenever you unlock the additional hits you get the fifth and sixth hits, which are at approximately 50% to the overall combo length. But we found that that gave a pretty satisfying floor and ceiling to how long the combo can be.[36]Brian Ferguson
Depending on what your class skill choice has been those are going to have synergy effects with the weapon skill tree. So my skill called spin-to-win might do 30 additional damage on a staggered target. So I see when my proc occurs with the stagger effect on my first swing, like for me as a player I might be only interested in landing that first swing, so every now and then I'm gonna swing once and then I'm gonna use a skill and then I'm gonna come back and swing again because that'll play my first swing montage, because it's been interrupted. So I won't move to the second one because I'm really just wanna hit that stagger effect. So that's going to be how my rotation lines up. However I might have some skill that on a stun target it might be an immediate cast and it's like some power you push or power hit; and that does- it knocks back a stun target. So if the target's stunned when this skill plays, it has an added effect of knock down and now they're gonna get knocked down for an additional two seconds. Now I might spec into that and as a result I want to finish through: swing, swing, and then knock down. So I get my chance at stunning that target with that weapon skill.[34]Steven Sharif
You may have items or set bonuses that change at what level those proc occurs. So I may have a full set of battle armor that changes all third hit combo procs to second hit requirements and now I have a chance not only on my second hit to land that tapering slow but I also have a chance to land my one second stun proc because I have the full set that changes my weapon progression. So that's the way itemization works with your weapon skill tree, is you can enhance when those weapon skill trees become available in your combat montage and that can be a relevant factor in how your skill rotations come to play; and mixes with your weapon attacks.
  • Weapon skill choices and rotations will vary based on whether the player is more focused on PvP or PvE.[34]
Right now some people might just say, "I don't care at all about my weapon attacks. I'm not going to invest a lot of points into that. And if I do, it's going to be primarily PvE focused where I'm more comfortable using just swinging my weapon, and I may not use them as much in PvP. I'm just going to be focused on skill rotations." That's okay, but the reason for those skill montages- back to your question- is they have a very relevant role in when certain procs come online from a weapons skill tree perspective.[34]Steven Sharif
  • Using a skill/ability other than a basic attack will in general reset the combo.[35]
    • The developers are considering specific abilities that might be able to be used without resetting the combo system.[35]
It acts similar in the sense of the core loop of what an auto attack is so to speak; where typically your other skills have a cooldown period, they have a rotation or whatever: Our combo system is a repeatable skill effect that you can continually attack with but it's a little bit more involved than what a traditional auto attack is; and it has components from a from an advancement standpoint when it comes to the types of procs that your weapon can have during that combo system... It's not going to have the quick time event that you guys saw early on in PAX and gave great feedback on, but it is going to have development with regards to the power of the weapon the type of weapon you're using, the additional proc effects that you can skill into: Those types of things are going to make it a little bit more complex of a system capture.[31]Steven Sharif

Instant cast skills

Skill Icon Origin Description
Blood Fusion Blood Fusion.png 鬥士 Return 100% of damage dealt as health and 50% of damage dealt as mana over the next 6 seconds. If activated while below 50% health, gain 25% increased damage mitigation and healing received over the duration.[38]
Divine Infusion Divine Infusion.png 牧師 Consume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any healing spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.[39][40][41][42]
Flash Cure Flash Cure.png 牧師 Instantly heal target ally. This may be used during other ability activations.[43][44]
Healing Touch Healing Touch.png 牧師 Heal target ally in melee range for a large amount of health.[45][46]
Shake It Off Shake It Off.png 坦克 Activate to instantly restore 50% of all damage taken in the past 4 seconds. Always heals for at least 10% of your maximum HP.[47]
Smite Smite.png 牧師 Smite your target, dealing instant damage and applying a stack of Burning to target enemy. Has no cast time and deals increased damage if activated within melee range of the target. This attack always critically hits on targets under the effect of Condemn.[48][49]


Revamped Alpha-1 法師 Fireball ability.[6][4]

The general approach that we're taking based on a lot of feedback and just good combat design in general. You know philosophy is that we want to give more agency in the hands of the player and the antithesis of that is locking the player down for really long amounts of time. The sort of concept behind that is like you could make an animation effects as glorious looking as possible but if it's taking away control of the player, none of that really matters. Especially the 100th or thousandth time you're using the spell you're tired of that happening you don't feel powerful: You feel the opposite of powerful. So we're trying to like give a lot of control back to the player while they're using these abilities so they can still control their movements, they can react simultaneously while they're taking actions; and we just want to get overall more of a fluid flow, I guess, of combat. And that's the general design philosophy we're using to approach the overhaul.[6]Tradd Thompson

A lot of abilities you have the capability of moving while casting. It's going to decrease your movement speed significantly or depending on the type of ability. We do reserve the cost- and that's really what it is when you tie ability usage to mobility- we do reserve the cost of requiring the character to remain stationary on some big effect type abilities.[50]Steven Sharif
  • Most abilities in Ashes of Creation are capable of being cast while moving. Some abilities may slow the caster down during the cast, but only rarely will the player be rooted in place.[50][52]
Most abilities you'll find in Ashes of Creation are capable of being cast while moving. Some of those abilities might slow your movement during the cast, but you can continue to move. Very rarely, and depending on obviously the importance of the ability or the power level of that ability, you might be rooted in place. So, for example, the AoE ability [Chains of Restraint] has a lot going on. It has damage ticking over time, it is an area of effect, it also has a status condition application; and in those instances the player character gets rooted.[52]Steven Sharif
That's the cat-and-mouse of these abilities. Like we've seen with the Ranger, they have a backflip, they have their Airdrop [sic] ability. The Mage has teleportation. There are going to be abilities that are tit-for-tat; and managing the resource of those abilities and the timing of when you use them to either correlate to your opponent's use of those things, or to save them for yourself when you want to get away, that's part of what makes the engagements dynamic and different each time.[55]Steven Sharif
  • Unreal Engine 5 has enabled improved forms of locomotion, such as crouching, tilting and mantling.[56][57]
    • Crouching may or may not be in the game.[58][59]
  • The ability to prone is not be in the game.[58][59]
There's a balance in the game design between your movement speed on attack and the movement speed of your opponent. When you have a game that is both PvE centric as well as PvP centric, you have to make sure that combat is blended for both approaches; and we can always run into problems where, if you're significantly hampered in your movement speed, that has an effect on how we expect player versus player engagements to interact; and we don't want to restrict a player's ability to be mobile if they're the target of an attack. And as a result of that we need to make sure that we don't restrict the movement abilities of the player who is doing the attacking as well. So we want it to be relatively free for you to stay with each other. Your opponents move around the battlefield together and if we're hampering you on the attack action, we have to then implement some type of snare, or slow, or cc effect essentially on your opposing target; and that's not the approach we want to take for for PvP.[61]Steven Sharif
If we're talking about Fighter, they're going to have a lot of heavy gap closers. They can probably be a little bit more liberal in the use of their gap closers because they have so many of them, versus let's say a Ranger that needs to choose when to use their escape abilities, because they have fewer of them. The same would be true for a melee character like a rogue. Their approach vector is going to be more stealth-driven than it would be perhaps let's say from a gap-closer perspective.[62]Steven Sharif
Q: If a ranger is super mobile, what are the melee's options in order to catch them?
A: Different class kits will provide different gap closers. They'll provide different mobility skills. They'll have lockdowns. They'll have chains to pull back. They'll have a lot of different things in the rotation. That's part of what an MMORPG experience is. You're not just restricted to three or six skills, you have a rotational suite; and depending on the type of challenges you face is going to help determine which of those rotations you spec into from your skill tree.[63]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png 遊俠 Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[64] The root effect is nature based.[65]
Blink Blink.png 法師 Instantly teleport a set distance in the direction you are moving.[66][67]
Blitz Blitz.png 鬥士 Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[68]
Call of the Wild Call of the Wild Icon.png 遊俠 Remove all movement impairing effects and increase movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. Snares and Roots effects applied to the caster are ignored.[69]
Caravan Trail Speed Bonus Trail Speed Bonus.png Caravan Minor speed boost for travelling on a simple trail.[70]
Exert Exert.png 鬥士 Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[71]
Form Of Celerity Form of Celerity.png 鬥士 While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[72]
Form Of Fluidity Form of Fluidity.png 鬥士 While in this form, the caster receives +4% Disable Resistance Chance per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +40%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[73]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png 鬥士 Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[74]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png 鬥士 Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[75]
Recharging Lunging Assault Recharging Lunging Assault Skill Tree IconAlpha.png 鬥士 Lunging Assault gains an additional charge and generates 5 additional Combat Momentum when dealing damage to one or more enemies.[76]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png 坦克 Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[77]
Speed Boost Speed Boost.png Caravan Gives the caravan a temporary speed boost.[78]
Unstoppable Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png 鬥士 Exert additionally breaks all hard control effects on the caster, and may be used any time while under a hard controlling effect.[79]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png 鬥士 Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[80]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png 牧師 Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[81][82] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[83]

Weapon weights

Weapon weight refers to how the mass of a weapon affects its performance during combat.[51]

There is a balance between player motion and agency as we call it and weapon weightedness- that almost locked-in-place rooted position- the heavier the weapon is, the more restrictions you want to place on that player agency to showcase the rooted effect: That weight- that heavyweight aspect; and so what we've done by presenting you guys with both the dual daggers and the two-handed weapon is we've shown the range between that complete player agency: a player agency in the light weapon attacks that's the dual daggers, and the maximum range of of rootedness or weightedness that's present on the two-handed weapon; and that's the spectrum in which our basic melee combat will exist within. So if there are medium weapon groups that exist in-between there, it's going to be somewhere in between that spectrum.[85]Steven Sharif


閃躲 in Alpha-1 early combat.[86]

Another thing that's important about these action combats is the ability to dodge and moving out of the way of certain skill shots.[86]Steven Sharif

Evasion moves such as dodging and weaving will be present in Ashes of Creation combat.[87][88][89]

So you see an animation windup that's a telegraph on what's coming; and then you have response actions that you can take as a result of that in order to dodge, weave, move, do whatever. It is both a combination of what your rotation is but also how you have reaction abilities ready to go that you save for certain circumstances that are important.[88]Steven Sharif


坦克 active blocking with a Shield in Alpha-2.[93]

The shield version would probably be better but you'd still be able to parry or whatnot with a two-handed weapon, or even maybe a dual wield.[94]Tradd Thompson

主動格擋 is a universal skill that applies to all classes.[96][97][87][98][94][91]

Active blocking might be an ability that- it's universal, of course it's universal- but it might be consuming mana; and you'll be able to adjust that mana consumption based off of your passive spec into your skill trees. In addition, it might also consume stamina, where that's something we're going to be testing as part of Alpha-2.[98]Steven Sharif
Q: How are you designing encounters around active blocking? Will it be situational use, or would I expect to be laying on my block keybind for most of the fight to prevent getting deleted by bosses?
A: It depends really on the type of adversary you're facing. Some of them are going to have indicators or tells that a big attack is coming. It's an animation wind up where you'll have an opportunity to use active block in very unique situations that are based on timing and additional mitigation for those incoming one-off attacks. In other occasions you'll be able to use it off of rotational cooldowns, or if you're waiting for a particular ability or you're during the use of your Aegis. There's different situations for when active block is a relevant use-case.[101]Steven Sharif
  • Some abilities may be able to overcome, surpass, or cancel active blocking.[97]
If a player is in a state, such as an active block, or an active tumble state, there will likely be some types of abilities that interact with reacting to those types of states and will either overcome surpass or cancel out those states, particularly as it relates to not just active blocking, but also potentially passive blocking as well; and that would be something probably related to physical penetration values as a stat, or even CC breaks that could be relevant as well for those types of things. I think that's on the radar for the combat team.[97]Steven Sharif
  • Previously the developers had not finalized designs for active blocking and were leaning toward using more traditional buff-oriented universal damage mitigation for the MMO, and were also considering interaction between action-based blocking and a passive block stat.[102][103]

Floating combat text

Alpha-2 Floating combat text work-in-progress UI.[105]

Damage you take, which is indicated in this red number, floats towards your left-hand side; and when you do damage to a target they float to your right-hand side. Now one of the very important aspects of these floating texts is providing the player with customization options that they can adjust the size of the floating text. They can adjust the color composition on how these texts are represented. They can also include damage icons to indicate the ability that's used for those floating texts; and importantly we also call out the crits that you do in a separate way: how they pop in they're slightly above the other number; and then more so, we also have additional functionality for cumulative damage.[105]Steven Sharif

Floating combat text shows damage taken, damage dealt, cumulative damage, crits, heals, XP gained, and other important combat indicators.[105]

  • Damage taken appears in red and floats to the left.[105]
  • Damage dealt appears in yellow and floats to the right.[105]
  • Crits appear larger and are slightly above the other numbers.[105]
  • XP appears in white and is slightly lower on the UI.[105]

Floating combat text is able to be customized by the player.[105][106]

Providing maximum flexibility and player customization options for these floating texts I think is super important.[105]Steven Sharif




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 直播, 2021-07-30 (31:22).
  2. 直播, 2021-05-28 (1:14:50).
  3. steven-combat-revamp-update.png
  4. 4.0 4.1 影片, 2021-02-26 (6:17).
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 steven-combat-revamp-update-2.png
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 直播, 2021-02-26 (27:41).
  7. 訪談, 2021-02-07 (49:18).
  8. 8.0 8.1 訪談, 2021-06-13 (4:12).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 直播, 2021-05-28 (1:13:05).
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 直播, 2020-08-28 (1:15:39).
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 直播, 2021-06-25 (22:34).
  12. 直播, 2017-11-16 (30:45).
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 直播, 2021-06-25 (27:43).
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 直播, 2020-04-30 (1:09:51).
  15. 15.0 15.1 訪談, 2019-04-15 (38:03).
  16. 16.0 16.1 直播, 2021-06-25 (27:10).
  17. 直播, 2021-03-26 (59:21).
  18. 直播, 2021-06-25 (26:11).
  19. 直播, 2020-04-30 (40:19).
  20. 20.0 20.1 Newsletter, 2018-08-7
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 直播, 2018-04-8 (PM) (37:57).
  22. 直播, 2020-08-28 (1:12:50).
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Podcast, 2018-08-04 (1:07:59).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Podcast, 2018-08-04 (1:11:05).
  25. steven-action-tab-attack-range.png
  26. 26.0 26.1 影片, 2024-03-29 (50:16).
  27. 影片, 2024-03-29 (57:52).
  28. 影片, 2023-12-19 (10:08).
  29. 影片, 2023-04-28 (15:35).
  30. 直播, 2022-09-30 (43:45).
  31. 31.0 31.1 直播, 2020-01-30 (1:28:40).
  32. 直播, 2018-01-18 (22:46).
  33. steven-auto-attack-definition.png
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (47:57).
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 直播, 2020-02-28 (1:10:21).
  36. 36.0 36.1 影片, 2023-12-19 (8:37).
  37. 直播, 2021-09-24 (1:19:17).
  38. Blood Fusion Description.png
  39. 影片, 2023-07-28 (25:36).
  40. Divine Infusion Info Panel.png
  41. 影片, 2023-05-31 (16:58).
  42. Divine Power Buff Description.png
  43. 影片, 2023-07-28 (10:03).
  44. Flash Cure Info Panel.png
  45. 影片, 2023-07-28 (23:28).
  46. Healing Touch Info Panel.png
  47. Shake It Off Description.png
  48. 影片, 2023-07-28 (29:23).
  49. Smite Info Panel.png
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 直播, 2023-07-28 (1:02:23).
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 直播, 2022-06-30 (46:30).
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 直播, 2022-12-02 (59:47).
  53. 直播, 2020-04-30 (1:17:13).
  54. 直播, 2017-05-08 (43:30).
  55. 55.0 55.1 直播, 2024-03-29 (2:01:57).
  56. 直播, 2021-12-23 (55:32).
  57. 影片, 2021-12-23 (23:53).
  58. 58.0 58.1 直播, 2022-10-14 (48:45).
  59. 59.0 59.1 stevenclarification.png
  60. 直播, 2020-06-26 (1:30:40).
  61. 61.0 61.1 直播, 2022-06-30 (49:42).
  62. 62.0 62.1 直播, 2023-12-19 (1:16:19).
  63. 63.0 63.1 直播, 2022-09-30 (51:28).
  64. Air Strike New Description.png
  65. 影片, 2022-09-30 (15:28).
  66. 影片, 2023-04-28 (4:40).
  67. Blitz Description.png
  68. Call of the Wild Description.png
  69. Trail Speed Bonus Description.png
  70. Exert Description.png
  71. Form of Celerity Description.png
  72. Form of Fluidity Skill Tree Description.png
  73. Leap Strike Description.png
  74. Lunging Assault Description.png
  75. Recharging Lunging Assault Description.png
  76. 影片, 2023-01-27 (5:07).
  77. Speed Boost Description New.png
  78. Unstoppable Exert Skill Tree Description.png
  79. Whirlwind Description.png
  80. 影片, 2023-07-28 (24:03).
  81. Wings of Salvation Info Panel.png
  82. 影片, 2023-07-28 (24:16).
  83. 直播, 2022-10-28 (1:29:48).
  84. 85.0 85.1 85.2 85.3 直播, 2022-06-30 (42:29).
  85. 86.0 86.1 86.2 直播, 2020-08-28 (1:19:24).
  86. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 直播, 2023-01-27 (1:06:02).
  87. 88.0 88.1 直播, 2022-06-30 (51:17).
  88. 89.0 89.1 直播, 2020-01-30 (1:34:12).
  89. 直播, 2023-12-19 (1:49:56).
  90. 91.0 91.1 直播, 2021-11-19 (50:38).
  91. 直播, 2020-06-26 (1:24:06).
  92. 93.0 93.1 影片, 2023-01-27 (35:51).
  93. 94.0 94.1 94.2 影片, 2022-12-02 (34:41).
  94. 95.0 95.1 95.2 影片, 2022-12-02 (16:55).
  95. 96.0 96.1 96.2 直播, 2024-03-29 (2:38:15).
  96. 97.0 97.1 97.2 97.3 直播, 2023-09-29 (1:12:16).
  97. 98.0 98.1 98.2 98.3 影片, 2023-01-27 (40:24).
  98. 直播, 2023-01-27 (15:22).
  99. 直播, 2022-12-02 (1:05:08).
  100. 直播, 2023-01-27 (1:13:29).
  101. 直播, 2021-09-24 (1:22:46).
  102. 直播, 2020-06-26 (1:19:50).
  103. shieldactiveblockA1.png
  104. 105.00 105.01 105.02 105.03 105.04 105.05 105.06 105.07 105.08 105.09 105.10 105.11 影片, 2022-06-30 (16:39).
  105. 106.0 106.1 直播, 2021-06-25 (29:09).