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Shields are a type of weapon in Ashes of Creation.[2]

  • Shields in the MMORPG grant a static defense/damage mitigation value.[3]
  • Shields may also offer additional value/block chances on a directional basis.[3]
  • Shields cannot be dual wielded.[4][5]


官方正考慮加入玩家自製圖像的匯入功能。[7] 此前未曾有這樣的考慮。[8]

I know previously we had spoken about not allowing custom user images in the game, however I think we're leaning more now in the direction of allowing for custom user images. Absolutely well what it will be is the fact that we're a subscription game and if you want to jeopardize your account by doing the wrong thing with regards to custom users [images] then by all means you may do so and we'll have stringent practices in place to prevent that from actually being an issue.[7]Steven Sharif

With regards to this UCC question, I think when you have an active an active GM team that you are you have directed to care take the product you're going to mitigate a lot of that functionality you don't want to see out of this custom image system. People who look to let's say meme the system are going to be met with the type of enforcement that they don't want to have on their account; and being a subscription-based product and being a risk versus reward and maybe a more old-school approach to character development and progression I think they're gonna take a significant risk in doing things that we don't want them to do, which will result in the jeopardy of their account. So I think that is not going to deter a hundred percent of things- I don't think you ever can deter a hundred percent of things unless we go away from custom images- but I think that we can achieve some parity of essentially enforcement versus infraction ratio that's going to be liveable for everybody.[9]Steven Sharif


紋章設計功能暫時計劃於第二次 Alpha 測試中推出。[11]

Gear slots

Alpha-2 鬥士 character sheet UI.[13]

We wanted to create something that would handle a couple of different roles, with obviously your equipment slots for what we call a "paper doll", which is that display of your character. Eventually it won't just be a image of your character, we hope to have the 3D character and be able to rotate around, look at what you're wearing. And then we wanted to support a couple of different features here, with some base stats; the equipment, which will show what equipment you have available to quick swap, so you don't have to have your inventory and the screen open; detailed stats for those people who want to get into all of the details; and then of course gear sets. So this is going to be able to swap to your sets of gear quickly; and being able to save different loadouts.[14]Colby Marchi

There are multiple gear slots in Ashes of Creation.[14]

  • Previously it was stated there were 16 gear slots.[25]


