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多向攻擊 (背面,側面,正面打擊) 能根據攻擊位置造成追加傷害。[1]


Weapon attack cone in Alpha-1.[2]

As I attack I am hitting multiple numbers of these opponents; and that's important because all weapons, regardless of whether you are in reticle mode or tab-targeting mode will be able to have a action-based type weapon attack. Not active skill, but weapon attack.[2]Steven Sharif

All weapons have a forward attack cone, regardless of being in tab or action mode.[2]

Polearms for example will have a much wider arc and much further out. Daggers will have a more fine-tuned arc, so you have to be more precise in that regard.[2]Steven Sharif

This is described as a weapon attack not an active skill.[2]


Alpha-1 early hybrid combat demo.[2]

You'll notice as I go into action mode, I have my reticle and when my reticle hovers over an enemy target, it'll turn red, essentially showing like "hey we know you have a valid target hit" that you can see; and when you press 'Q' you can lock on to that target. You can also hold tab to alternate between targets. So like that's an important aspect of the combat that we're trying to incorporate, which is mixing and meshing between tab and action, so you still have that action component but also are available to use some of your tab targeted skills.[4]Steven Sharif

混合戰鬥是指玩家在遊戲中可以選擇以 Tab 鍵鎖定無鎖定模式進行戰鬥[4][5]

  • 點擊 Z 鍵 (預設快捷鍵是 Z,玩家可以設置成其他快捷鍵) 讓玩家切換至無鎖定或 Tab 鍵鎖定戰鬥模式。[6][7][2][8]
  • 無鎖定模式設有準星,與第三人稱動作遊戲相似。[4][2][8][9]
    • 玩家無須處於準星模式來施放無鎖定技能。[10]
    施放指向性無鎖定技能,玩家無須處於準星模式。技能會自動判定準星的位置施放。因此如果玩家使用 Tab鍵鏡頭模式憑感覺瞄準,也可以使用無鎖定技能。[10]Steven Sharif
    • The reticle will highlight/change color (to red) to indicate if the current target is able to be hit with the currently prepared skill.[4][2]
    • Action combat abilities will not have a lock-on feature but pressing Q while in action mode will lock on to the current target to enable the use of tab-oriented skills in action mode.[6][4]
    Action combat abilities will not have a lock-on feature so to speak. Some of those are going to be skill shot only. However because you can have a mix and match of tab abilities that require a target, you will be able to target lock in action mode as well. Right now that's delegated to the Q key as default, but you can obviously set that up you could put it on your left mouse button, or you could put it wherever you want; and when your reticle hovers over a target, it rapidly swaps your target ability and when you press your target lock it will then lock that target; and if you have tab-oriented skills, you can use your tab oriented skills and they will be used against that target.[6]Steven Sharif
    • Holding Tab while in action mode will alternate between targets.[4]
    • Pressing right-click while in action mode will switch to tab mode for the currently highlighted target.[2]
    • The action camera is tied to the to player's reticle. There will likely be a hotkey that when held down will allow free camera movement.[11]
    • In future the user will have the ability to choose from different reticle appearances.[12]
  • The tab mode (MMO mode) facilitates tab targeted combat.[2][8] A tab-targeted ability requires a target in order to utilize that skill.[6][9]
    • Pressing left-click in tab mode will attack the target (with the currently selected weapon).[2]
    • There will be a "target of target" capability on the user interface.[13]

Hybrid combat is being tested in Alpha-1.[4][14]

  • Targeting modes are able to be achieved through choice of skills/abilities.[6][14][15]
    • It may not be possible to be able to fully spec into just action or tab targeted skills. There might be a 75% cap on choosing skills from any one type.[15]
    • Different ranks of the same skill can change the skill from tab to action targeted or vice-versa.[16]

Skill progressions, skill point allocation is determined by the player. The player will be able to choose either more tab-target oriented skills or more action-based skills and customize their playable experience to what accommodates their preference. From a balancing standpoint for us developers, we need to make sure that certain abilities house certain functions so that there's a balance between skill shots and tab-target abilities.[15]Steven Sharif

Action oriented and tab oriented versions of skills will have different characteristics. Variables will change based on which version is chosen.[17]

  • Damage.[17]
  • Charge up time.[17]
  • CC effects.[17]
  • Cooldown.[18]
  • Energy consumption.[18]
  • Cost to spec.[18]
  • Attack range will likely remain the same; as it is driven by the weapon or skill itself.[19]

As an example: Let's say you're playing a ranged class. You could have an action-oriented power shot in your skill tree or you could have a single target power shot that ramps up and does more damage. [17]Steven Sharif


For the purposes of balance, certain skill types will be either tab or action oriented skills. For example:[18]

  • Hard CCs may be housed in action oriented skills because they are skill shots that are more difficult to land.[18][15]
  • Softer CC's would be housed in tab-targeted abilities.[18]


There are player and spell/projectile collision mechanics in Ashes of Creation.[20][21][22]

  • Inertia and momentum physics will help prevent blocking doorways/access points. This is based on a character's direction and movement speed, and can be used to push people out of the way.[23][22]
  • Specific ranged skills will have a pushback effect but this is not inherent to all ranged abilities.[25]
  • Player collision inherently limits the number of individuals that can be affected by AoE skills.[20]
Not all projectiles can be body-blocked. Some potentially can, but there will be certain abilities and effects, like a shield wall, that can that can be brought up and that will obscure line-of-sight to the target as well; and it will restrict some of those attacks from occurring.[21]Steven Sharif


The developers are testing different approaches to accommodate varying hitboxes between the races.[26]

  • There may be a single unified hitbox with some exceptions or some special collision rules as opposed to having different sized hitboxes.[26]

More than likely we'll have some sort of unified or unified-ish hitbox. But again it's going to probably have a unified hitbox with some exceptions or some special sort of collision rules based on them as opposed to just making it smaller for one and not the other.[26]Jeffrey Bard

There aren't separate types of hitbox categories in the Ashes of Creation MMORPG as there were in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse.[26]

We don't have separate types of hitbox categories, for example. There's no head hit box in the MMORPG like there was in APOC. So from a critical standpoint you're not going to see a greater risk of critting for a larger hitbox.[26]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 work-in-progress combat animations and decals.[27]

The intensity of those weapon trailings; how they scale based on the type of weapon, the level of weapon, that you have; but not just the trailing on the weapon per-se but also the ground decals. Like for this heavy weapon, that first strike you see that decal in the ground is- I love that look- and even on the backswing when I hit the ground behind me, it's causing that decal.[27]Steven Sharif

We really wanted to build the combat system to- like i said earlier- be as physical as possible. So we have it very animation driven. Everything is handled based on a reference of animation as opposed to nebulous timings, which allows it to feel very impactful and very responsive.[28]Keenan Reimer
We're not going to be having I think unique combat animations. However we will have unique non-combat animations, such as your idle, your walk, your run cycle: things that the combat attacks do not have to blend back into.[32]Steven Sharif






In specific circumstances there will be telegraphs (tells) to communicate something that's happening.[36]

  • Animation tells.
  • Templates.

