Waterfall stat system

来自Ashes of Creation Wiki
(重定向自Waterfall stats
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Alpha-1 早期概念角色介面[1]


數值 基礎數值 等級 1 牧師 等級 1 法師 等級 1 坦克
生命力[4][5] 生命力 224
法力[4] 法力 293
力量[4][2][3] 力量 10
敏捷[4][2][3] 敏捷 10
體質[4][2][3] 體質 10
意志[4] 意志 12
智慧[4][2][3] 智慧 14
精神[4][2][3] 精神 13
追加物理傷害[4] 力量 13
物理失效修正[4] 力量 12
追加物理爆擊傷害[4] 力量 12
物理技能冷卻.[4] 敏捷 6
追加物理爆擊率.[4] 敏捷 6
追加物理閃避.[4] 敏捷 7
物理命中.[4] 敏捷 192
生命力恢復.[4] 體質 3
物理防禦.[4] 體質 7
物理失效防禦 體質 7
物理格擋率.[2][3][6] 體質 17
法術傷害.[2][3] 意志 24
法術爆擊傷害 意志 23
法術失效率 意志 13
法術施放速度 智慧 6
法術冷卻修正 智慧 7
法術爆擊率[6] 智慧 7
法術命中 智慧 8
法力恢復 精神 3
法術防禦 精神 8
法術失效防禦 精神 8
法術格檔率[2][3][6] 精神 18


Most stats are contested, which means you're testing your rating versus other people's ratings. So you figure out what the end result is... but we're not going to go for like hard caps for sure.[7]Jeffrey Bard


  • 數值 can be improved based on gear, tattoos, and other enhancements, such as socketed items.[8]
  • Players will have significant agency over the allocation of their stat progression.[8]
  • 裝備 has approximately a 40-50% influence on a players overall power in the game.[9]
  • Artisan profession does not affect a player's stats.[10]
  • Previously it was stated that race "seeds" a player's base stats, then the primary archetype grows the base stats.[11][12][13] Any contribution by the secondary archetype was later removed.[11]

