Chain Lightning

来自Ashes of Creation Wiki
Lex讨论 | 贡献2023年6月2日 (五) 18:55的版本

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Alpha-2 Chain Lightning indirect fire arcing around an environmental obstacle.[1]

I’ve asked the combat Striketeam to play with certain abilities having indirect fire. Meaning some of the projectiles could path around collision so long as the max distance traveled is not exceeded.[2]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 Chain Lightning ability.[3]

It's pretty similar to Lightning Strike, except it's more of an AoE role that it's filling. So, you won't see it here because you're only attacking one target but if there were multiple targets you would see lightning branch off from the main target that you have to nearby additional targets. So, it's really good at applying its status effect in a more AoE scenario.[4]Keenan Reimer

Alpha-2 法師 ability:[5][6]

  • 35 Mana
  • 15s Cooldown
  • 30m Range


