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Ashes of Creation 的灵感源自数款 MMORPG。[1]

天堂II 很多系统的设计都围绕着现时 MMORPG 失去了的概念:风险与回报。“风险愈大,潜在回报愈大”这种想法完全是一个“典范转移”,是从每个人都是赢家、参与就有奖、恭喜你是游戏的一员这些无聊的想法转移。这些想法对营造玩家达成目标的渴望感,或失败时的挫折感都毫无用处,但渴望感和挫折感正是玩家玩游戏的动力。新游戏寿命短不是没有原因,它们总想与魔兽世界竞争。你不须成为“WoW 杀手”,你可以专注在设计哲学上的突破,而我认为这正是现今很多开发公司不愿意冒险做的事情。[2]Steven Sharif

对于前人的经验,我们正在探索哪个游戏有什么做得最好,然后当作灵感。力求推动这个领域,推陈出新,然后带进二十一世纪。[1]Jeffrey Bard

While Ashes of Creation took inspiration from Lineage II (and other games) it has also addressed several flaws in the implementation of those games.[3][4][5][1] The approach of the flagging system in Ashes of Creation is to further disincentivize griefing while still allowing the system to keep risk relevant in the open-world setting.[3]

First and foremost, PvP in Ashes exists in both opt-in systems and events, as well as our open world flagging system. And while it is true that I enjoyed and took much inspiration from games like Lineage 2, we have innovated and adapted our approach to Ashes’ flagging system in order to further disincentivize griefing while still allowing the system to keep risk relevant in the open world setting. The overwhelming majority of player’s experiences with PvP in Ashes will be through consensual systems like caravans, sieges, wars, the open sea and other events. Players will make a choice to participate in those systems or not. And if they choose to participate there will be significant rewards for success.[3]Steven Sharif
In the open world, when competing for the scarcity of resources, raids, dungeons and or hunting grounds, an important element of risk vs reward is introduced through our flagging system. Players must be aware of their surroundings and the reputation of other players who may be in proximity. The flagging system is intended to always provide an element of risk in all settings, but also architected to ensure that griefing and PK’ing is almost never worth it. The subtleties of this system are complex, which is of course why it will require considerable testing and feedback.[3]Steven Sharif
  • Corruption gain takes into account level disparity between the attacker and the player that was killed. The greater the disparity the higher the corruption accrued.[4][6][7][8][9] Corruption penalties occur as the corruption is gained.[10]
These are all things that I've changed in the system that help to safeguard some of those loopholes. Now of course, as we said, we can't and we don't want to 100% remove the ability for that risk to be alive- for that risk to be realized. But what we do want to do is make sure that those occasions are few and infrequent, and are not the majority of a player experience, let's say in the open world; and we do so by incorporating all of those risks and costs into a decision to gain corruption and then PK another player in the open world. It's just not going to be done often and that is my expectation and opinion. It's also the goal of the system is that griefing is not a viable option or play style. And as a result of that desire for the system, we will fine tune it in such a way through testing that that outcome is achieved. And that is the intent and purpose of the design.[11]Steven Sharif
  • Non-combatants can attack corrupted players without flagging themselves as combatants.[11][18]
  • There is a 60 second timer to logout while corrupt. Force-disconnecting the client during the cooldown will leave the character in-game.[11][22]


Ashes of Creation website redesign preview (WIP).[23]

Ashes of Creation 设定在中世纪奇幻世界,将想像结合尖端的游戏画面。我们希望透过独特、新颖的机制,赋予玩家行为意义,将大型多人的元素体现出来。Ashes of Creation 将传统 MMORPG 最出色的特点与创新的沙盒概念结合。玩家可以自由决定自己的命运,而玩家作出的选择都伴随着后果,让任务线会根据玩家与世界的互动而改变。文明会打扰大自然的规律,令怪物到处肆虐。决定市镇的位置以至城市的大小都将改变世界的面貌。每个世界都有独特的文化、生态和经济。[24]

Ashes of Creation 是一款开发中、设定在古典奇幻世界的 MMORPG,玩家的行为将影响世界的形成。[25]

Ashes of Creation 打造的 MMO 体验是个独特新尝试。有着动态的世界,并会随着玩家的行为而改变,继而出现的是经历兴衰存亡的城市、随历史变迁的人口、以及因人口聚集和需求增长而解锁的任务和秘密。藉着实时的NPC架构,玩家可以摧毁自己创造的一切,开辟全新的发展和人口,带来真正的改变。政治纷争和阴谋也对世界的形成影响深远。静止世界不复存在,改变将成常态。[24]

Ashes of Creation 的暂定名称原是 The World of Origins[26]

传统上为人熟悉的 MMO 设计有两种不同游戏循环:“主题乐园”和“沙盒”。现时大多数的 MMO 都属于“主题乐园”– 这种游戏会引导玩家沿着特定路线游玩,一如既往的任务枢纽之间会设有一个个景点,但甚少会出现分岔路,令玩家几乎没有自由成长的空间。近来新上市的 MMO 有的采取沙盒模式,尽管沙盒有极高的自由度,但是由于游戏世界内没有预设的内容,也没有人为的开发,很多玩家会感到意犹未尽,简单来说就像只有一大堆“沙”。很多玩家因此经常陷入两难,要不选择重复性高的主题乐园,不然就是荒无人烟的沙盒,而 Ashes of Creation 的节点系统正是将这两者连接的桥梁。[25]

为了让沙盒的机制变得有意义,游戏里必须有精心策划的内容来伴随玩家的决择。意思就是,作为游戏开发,我们必须创造“主题盒”式内容,应对玩家所选的每一条游玩路线。[9]Steven Sharif


Ashes of Creation 的设计遵循五大概念支柱[27]

  1. 引人入胜、亲历其境的故事
  2. 动态世界
  3. 玩家互动
  4. 玩家主导
  5. 风险与回报

Ashes of Creation 每项设计都遵循五大支柱:引人入胜及亲历其境的故事、动态的世界、玩家互动、玩家主导及风险与回报。玩家在游戏里的所有活动都与这些概念有关联,公会所有的活动、服务器整体的活动都能让世界变得有新鲜感、常变、以及最重要的是...刺激。[27]





Ashes of Creation 是个充满活力的动态世界。影响区域的面貌、节点的等级、以及游戏故事的体验都会受玩家的行为而改变。[30]Margaret Krohn



我们开发的重点是放在以社区为首的机制上,促进玩家之间有意义的互动 – 不只是为了讨伐副本头目,或是从无人情味的拍卖所赚取几分钱,而可能是拯救城市。一个与所有市民利害攸关的城市;一个玩家花了数周甚至数月建立的城市;去进攻防守不同城市,或整个社区团结起来建立世界,与伙伴一起选择自己的命运。我们相信这样的故事远比其他我们想到的都要难忘和有意义。[34]



游戏内容将会非常多,但需要透过玩家群体行为才能解锁。传统上来说,AoC 不是款线性游戏,但将有更多内容。这是因为解锁出来的内容有意义,玩家的选择才有意义。[36]Steven Sharif



风险与回报的关系就是,例如当双方花了同样时间来建造节点或完成宣战条件时,那这将会是一场意义重大的会战。玩家花时间这样做是因为他们热衷于随之而来的游戏内容。[38]Steven Sharif

