Royal stables

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Lex讨论 | 贡献2018年11月8日 (四) 01:56的版本 (Add section)

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Royal stables are a type of building in Ashes of Creation.[1]

  • Castles come with a royal stables.[1]
  • 市長 can choose to build royal stables within their node. Once chosen, the community will need to build the stables through quests.[1]
  • Royal mounts must be mounted in a royal stables in order to fly.[1]
The royal mounts will be the only class of mounts that can fully fly in the world; and they are will be needed to be mounted while in a royal stables. Royal stables are a building that can be built in a node if elected to be built by the mayor and supported by the community building it up through the quests to do so; and castles come with a royal stable as well. So once you have a royal stable and you become that Mayor or King or Queen, you may then mount the creature there and then take it wherever you wish.[1]Steven Sharif


Alpha-1 early example of the first tier of animal husbandry stables on a freehold plot.[2]

Players will be able to place the animals they are trying to focus on from a Husbandry perspective within the stable area and then over the course of time are going to be able to yield some type of results out of those parings.[2]Steven Sharif

Stables in Ashes of Creation refer to:

  • A system that stores active mounts in slots that can be used local to the stable.[4]
The active mounts are determined based on you having that active mount as part of a slot within the stable that you're within the area of. And what that means is that mounts are relevant in battle; and if you lose your mount in battle it is a detriment. There are ways for you to bring that mount back. There are active potions that you can have available to you to do fast resurrections to reduce that cooldown potentially; and you can also interface with the stable itself if you want to swap that mount out with a different mount.[4]Steven Sharif
Q: Will you be able to keep your mounts that you've unlocked on your freeholds plot to move freely about as they please like in a stable or in a little fenced area?
A: There are a number of different types of ways that creatures can be acquired: some of them in a mount format; and can be utilized in animal husbandry/livestock placements on the freehold. But from a cosmetic perspective, we don't quite have a system in place for that yet. I'm not going to rule that out for the future of post-launch, but right now it's delegated specifically to hunting, taming, livestock, and animal husbandry.[5]Steven Sharif


Template:Node buildings

