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Players can acquire the bounty hunter title through a quest available to citizens of Military Stage 4 (Town) nodes and potentially their vassals or affiliated nodes.[1][2]

  • Bounty hunters can activate their Pathfinding ability to reveal corrupted player locations on their map.[3][4]
    • This will flag the bounty hunter for combat only to corrupted players for a period of one hour from the time of activation.[3]
    • The pathfinding ability can be toggled on or off.[3][5]
    • It is possible that bounty hunters will be permanently flagged versus corrupted players with the pathfinding ability toggled off. This design change will be decided based on testing.[6]
  • The accuracy of bounty hunter maps is determined by a player's progression in the bounty hunter system.[7]
  • Corrupted players may kill bounty hunters without acquiring additional corruption score.[8][9]
    • Corrupted player's combat penalties do not apply when battling bounty hunters.[8]
  • Chief bounty hunter is a node government title that grants special access to NPCs in a node.[10]
  • Credit for killing a corrupted player goes to the bounty hunter who lands the last hit (killing blow). This may be changed to damage contribution in future.[11]


腐化值高的玩家将会显示在世界及小地图。这些玩家的位置会由阶段 4 (市镇) 或以上的军事节点 NPC 标记,然后提供给拥有赏金猎人称号的玩家。[12] 这些位置的准确性取决于玩家的赏金猎人等级[7]



Skill Icon Origin Description
Pathfinding Bounty hunter Reveals corrupted player locations on the bounty hunter's map.[3][14] Activating this ability will flag the bounty hunter for combat only to corrupted players for a period of one hour from the time of activation.[3] The pathfinding ability can be toggled on or off.[3][5]


Alpha-1 预览 — 腐化玩家[15]

累积腐化时,你有机会失去完整的道具、武器、护甲之类难以入手的物品。另外,为了防止玩家创建一个 PvP 专用角色,击杀愈多玩家,将会累积愈多腐化,PvP 能力亦会愈低。若你在野外击杀了大概二十个玩家... 你将再无法进行 PvP,你将需要做点事来移除腐化。另一方面是,击杀等级远低于你的非战斗员玩家时,你将会获得较多腐化,以致于你不会想击杀一名等级一的玩家。[16]Steven Sharif

战斗员 (紫色) 玩家进行 PvP 击杀非战斗员 (绿色) 玩家时,会被标记腐化 (红色)[17]

  • 击杀愈多非战斗员玩家,腐化值愈高。[18][2]
没有风险之下获得的奖励都是毫无意义的... 腐化一词只是用来代表风险。[19]Steven Sharif
因为只有是队友才能看见对方的生命值,你将不能准确预测多少伤害会击杀目标玩家,这便是另一个增加风险的因素。[20]Steven Sharif
  • 腐化值伴随着腐化惩罚。[21] 腐化值愈高:
    连续击杀十名玩家时,你或会开始感到技能的效果大大减弱。在能够实际测试这个设计和相关设定前,我不想提供任何实际数字或曲线,避免玩家进行推论演算。可是能力减弱背后的目的不是要限制玩家游戏的乐趣,而是将“互相让步”和“风险与回报”融入游戏:不断累积腐化的风险不仅是掉落装备和受到更严重的死亡惩罚,更是会渐渐失去进行 PvP 的能力。[24]Steven Sharif
    累积愈多腐化,PvP 能力减弱效果愈大,且最终将会失去所有装备,PvP 能力亦会大大减低。[26]Steven Sharif
  • 腐化效果将会显示在角色身上。[27]
  • 非战斗员即使攻击腐化玩家,也不会被标记成战斗员。[28]
  • 腐化玩家身处的位置将会显示在]的地图上。[18][17]
  • 腐化玩家击杀赏金猎人时,将不会增加腐化值。[8][9]
    • 与赏金猎人战斗时,腐化玩家将不受战斗惩罚影响。[8]
  • 腐化玩家将无法进行交易、以及存放物品到公共仓库[29]


Tad Ehrlich 设计的坟场概念图[30]




