
来自Ashes of Creation Wiki
(重定向自Pridestalker (revised)
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Pridestalker was a 夏季众筹 gliding mount reward for backing at the Braver of worlds level or higher.[4]


Crowdfunding mounts

Kickstarter/夏季众筹 mount rewards are obtained and utilized by applicable backers in the following way:[6]

  1. Basic mounts are obtained through an early quest that is available to all players in starting areas.
  2. Players assign cosmetic skins to a character on their account from the account management page.
  3. The skin can then be applied to change the appearance of the mount that was earned in game.
    • This does not remove the skin itself. It can be applied again to any other applicable mount in the future.
    • Players may remove the skin from a character and assign it to another character on their account.
    • Skins can only ever be active on one character and one mount.

The Dawnbreaker mount skin is used in a similar fashion as described, but is only applicable to a certain class of mounts. Aquatic mount skins, like the Tidesnapper, are also used in a similar fashion, but are only applicable to the aquatic class of mounts.[6]

