Adventurer pre-order pack: Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

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The Adventurer pre-order pack was available from the 時裝商城.[1]



Adventurer 預購禮包常見問題

How long will the Adventurer 預購禮包 be available?
If I purchase the Adventurer 預購禮包, when can I participate in Alpha-1 testing?
Will there be a limited number of Adventurer pre-order packs available?
  • We have not announced any plans to limit the quantity of available Adventurer Pre-order Packages. However, keep in mind that the Adventurer Pre-order Package will only be available for purchase until August 13, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific..[3][4]
If I already own a pre-order package, how can I get access to Alpha-1?
If I’m a Kickstarter or 夏季众筹 campaign backer, how can I get access to Alpha-1?
Who is eligible to participate in Alpha-1 testing?
Where can I get more info on Alpha-1 testing if I’m participating?
  • Keep an eye out for emails from our team with more details on how to download and play! We'll also email you more info on how to get the latest testing updates on our Discord and forums. If you don’t receive any emails and you believe you should, please reach out to our Support team directly here.[4]

Pre-order pack information

預購禮包內的時裝外觀每月更新,且只會推出一次。除了時裝外觀,禮包亦包括訂閱時間embers (遊戲推出時用作購買時裝的代幣)、alphas 及 betas 測試資格、以及預留角色名字等其他服務。[6]

購買禮包是完全非強制性的,且沒有出售能讓你在遊戲中變得更強的東西。[6]Steven Sharif

Pre-order pack addons

Pre-order pack addon pricing.
Cosmetic item Price.[7]
Accessory USD $5.00
Pet USD $15.00
Mount USD $20.00
Character costume USD $25.00
Transport skin USD $25.00
Freehold skin USD $25.00

Pre-order pack owners had the ability to purchase individual pre-order pack cosmetics (at the same or lower level as their pack purchase) as add-ons in the month that they are on sale.[2] [6][8]

  • Kickstarter and 夏季众筹 backers can also purchase pre-order pack cosmetics as add-ons.[9] This only applies to the current month's cosmetics and beyond.[10]
  • In the month a pack is purchased, only the upgrade tiers will be shown on the shop. Individual items will be visible in future months.[11]

Pre-order pack upgrades

Pre-order pack pricing.
Pre-order pack tier Price.[2]
Wayfarer 預購禮包 USD $75.00
Expeditionary 預購禮包 USD $150.00
Voyager 預購禮包 USD $250.00
Voyager plus 預購禮包 USD $375.00

The pre-order pack upgrade price is the difference between the new and old pack prices.[12][2]

  • 時裝 owned prior to upgrading are retained.[13]
  • Cosmetics in the new package tiers in the month of the upgrade are gained.[13]
  • Upgrades won't unlock cosmetic items in tiers that were already granted by a previous package.[2]

