Respawn points

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Non-corrupt players always respawn at the closest active respawn point (to their death).[2]

  • Corrupt players respawn at random locations in the vicinity of their death, not at regular spawn points.[3]
  • There will not be custom respawn points that can be placed in the world.[4]
  • Events in progress may disable certain respawn points in proximity to those events, which might cause players to respawn further away.[2]
That has to do with the lore behind death and resurrection and what it means to have your soul connected as a conduit of that spark of life given from the Goddess of Creation, being that phoenix type of avatar; and if corruption has moved into an area and an event has started, the access to those ley line oriented respawn points may be obscured- might not be accessible. So that could create some additional distance that needs to be traveled as part of these types of events.[2]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 player death animation.[5]

The lore behind how death and resurrection exists within Ashes of Creation is the concept of this Avatar of the Phoenix being represented of the Goddess of Creation, from which all life on this plane has has come from essentially... Because when you do get reborn it's that connection with your soul to the essence that binds you with the Goddess of Creation that brings that spark of the of that Avatar of the Phoenix back and brings you to life through that manipulation of the essence. So this is a little update on the ash effect.[6]Steven Sharif

Characters entering into the world of Verra are empowered with the spark of life that comes from the Goddess of Creation. This spark houses a portion of what represents their mortal coil/soul and their conduit to The Essence.[7][6][8][9] When a character dies they disintegrate into ashes, in accordance with the mythology of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that is associated with the celestial avatar of the Goddess of Creation, the phoenix.[6][8]

  • The ash pile conveys the location of the body, so that the character may be selected for resurrection.[6]
  • The ash pile is also interractible to allow players to loot any dropped items.[6][8]
    • These ash piles are immediately lootable by any player.[8]
    • 玩家標記 is not triggered by looting.[10]
  • This effect applies to players and not mobs.[6]

The reason for why respawning occurs, as you guys know, the avatar of the Goddess of Creation is the phoenix; and the phoenix obviously has some very stable mythological lore to it with regards to the cycle of life and death and rebirth; and that type of thing. As you enter into the world of Verra you are in a way empowered with the spark of life that comes from the Goddess of Creation herself, and in that sense you're able to house a portion of what that represents in your soul and your... conduit to the essence.[8]Steven Sharif

Death penalties

Alpha-1 — 於戶外地下城死亡[11]

We don't have deleveling, instead what we have is experience debt. Now the more experience debt you accrue, the greater the detriment to your character; not to the point where you can not get out of the debt. There will always be a way forward to remove your debt.[12]Steven Sharif

玩家死亡時會化為灰燼。灰燼中包含玩家因死亡懲罰而掉落的物品[8][13][14][15] 任何玩家都可以即時拾取灰燼。[8] 拾取灰燼不會觸發玩家標記[10]

  • 非戰鬥員 (綠色玩家) 死亡時,將遭受一般懲罰,包括:[14]
    When players die and they take durability loss, our durability loss isn't like other games where it's a gold sink so to speak. It's a combination of both a gold sink and a material sink. So in a sense, even if you only have completed items, when you take that durability loss you are losing out on materials. It's just a debt to the materials that you are losing instead of the active loss of that material in your inventory. So now you are accruing a material debt if you want to repair and increase again the performance of those particular items that take that durability loss.[18]Steven Sharif
  • 戰鬥員 (紫色玩家) 遭受的死亡懲罰是非戰鬥員一半。[14]
  • 腐化 (紅色玩家) 遭受的死亡懲罰是非戰鬥員四倍,並根據目前的腐化值,有機會掉落背包內或裝備中的物品[22] 包括:[22][14]

滿等角色死亡時將損失約 2-3% 總經驗值 (未定)。[26]

  • As of May 28, 2021, the experience debt in Alpha-1 testing is "completely off mark" and will either be changed or disabled prior to the next spot test.[26]

死亡懲罰將不適用於存在特定目標的活動 (例如商隊公會戰節點戰)。[27]

There will not be death penalties applied to event-based deaths. The penalties are in the outcome of the event. So your number of deaths is likely going to impact your ability to win that particular event and that's going to be the penalty. This is it to encourage players to opt in to the events right because the more participation we have the more fun it can be; and we understand that the community at large- there's already a risk versus reward component to these events. We don't need to stack on additional risk versus reward to inhibit kind of- to increase the barrier to entry for players who may not be as interested.[27]Steven Sharif
  • PvPPvE 情況下死亡將遭受同樣的懲罰 (未定)。[28]


