Corrupted areas

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Alpha-2 corrupted area in the Riverlands biome.[1]

We just saw a corrupt zone and that zone becomes corrupt after a period of time in which players are not addressing some issues that arise through certain events or through certain story arcs; and that corruption can spread and corruption changes the spawners for resources and for monsters; and that has a fundamental effect on the resource economy of the game.[2]Steven Sharif

Corrupted areas (zones/points of interest) can dynamically evolve with the progression of nodes and story arcs.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

  • These are sources of NPC events that players need to address before they grow out of hand.[2][10][7]
    • Players need to participate in these events to stop the spread of corruption and hold back the intrusion on the material plane.[2][9]
    • If players fail to address these corrupted areas, the frequency of NPC events against their node will increase. These can lead to node buildings and services being disabled, increasing the node's vulnerability to node sieges.[11]
It can be a very detrimental thing if corruption is not addressed; and that's the intent of corruption, is to present a challenge to the players that if not addressed it becomes exacerbated and a problem over time.[11]Steven Sharif
To degree your mortal coil, as we call it, or what some might consider a soul from your character's perspective within this story- can be influenced and can be changed into a shape that's more in tune with corruption; and that's through doing PvP things you can accomplish that.[12]Steven Sharif
When it enters the corruption state outside of weather, in that corrupt state, you will probably see a little bit less of the influence of the season because really it's adopting that corruption, which in-and-of-itself is a season.[14]Steven Sharif

Adaptive content

Alpha-1 preview pirate themed dynamic point of interest.[18]

This is actually a dynamic POI. This one will evolve as players evolve the node that it's attached to. So this is its final state.[18]Jeffrey Bard

New points of interest (such as dungeons, world bosses, and corrupted areas) spawn as nodes develop.[8][19] This content adapts to the node progression of the zone it is in.[18][20]

Certain dungeons and other points of interest across the map will all be affected by the server’s node development. Some dungeons will only be unlocked if nodes are developed to certain stages. The storyline objectives for players inside dungeons will also be dependent on the story arc paths chosen through the node system. The drop tables in area and dungeons will also be tied into the progression of certain areas. For example, let’s say that the humans have developed a node in Region A, and a storyline has opened up that leads players to inspect the ruins (dungeon) of a nearby area. And let’s say that this node was developed in a scientific (crafting) zone… Well before the node developed, this dungeon was accessible… But now the dungeon has propagated new monster assets that include a drop table catering to a crafting emphasis because of the development of that academic node. And perhaps, a new boss appears in different rooms of the dungeon that includes different adventure quest starts, like a mysterious item with a storyline that can only be progressed if a node develops to the metropolis stage in a certain region, across the world. Our system is so vast, when it comes to interconnectivity and how the world reacts to the players.[21]

Event levels

The level of a particular event can be based on the level of the content that triggers it, or it can be set to a higher level in order to drive traffic back to lower level zones.[27]

For example, if the event takes place in a zone that has a base population of let's say average level 25, then one of the trigger conditions might be that 10 monsters of level 25 have been killed recently in that zone and the level 25 event will now spawn additional content designed for level 25 players. So these events aren't always going to be end-game they're going to be obviously appropriate based on the content in which the predicate system is informing, but they also could be something completely top level that is introduced at a lower-level area and brings population traffic of the players back to those types of things.[27]Steven Sharif
  • The more players participating in an event the more challenging the event will become and the higher the rewards will be for completing the event.[28][29][30]


阿尔法-1 早期预览道路.[31]

我们在游戏中的道路系统基本上是由预先设置的路线驱动的,这些路线通向曾经是维拉古代公路系统的大动脉;从那里开始,当节点前进时,有一些道路会显现出来;我们称这些为静脉。它们来自于主干道,然后随着节点的推进,有一些兴趣点,正如杰夫之前讨论的那样。这些存在于世界各地的兴趣点,其中一些与多个节点共享覆盖范围,但取决于哪个节点推进到激活兴趣点的阶段,它将创建这些小路,可以说,然后从节点本身出发。因此,你从大动脉古道--那种贯穿不同区域的古道--分解成通向特定营地和村镇的静脉,然后从独立的小路中衍生出来,通向这些地区的兴趣点。 到这些地区的兴趣点,是狩猎场。这些都是最初没有显现的,随着玩家们在世界范围内的推进,它们也会上线。.[32]Steven Sharif


  • 最大的道路被称为动脉。这些都是曾经的维拉古代公路系统的遗迹。[32]
  • 随着节点推进较小的道路,被称为静脉,连接动脉和节点。[32]
    • 道路会随着节点的推进而升级。
    • 道路将随着节点的推进而升级。不同的道路将决定所需的大篷车速度和类型(非公路与公路)。[33]
  • 根据节点推进的阶段,小路会从节点上干出,连接到兴趣点.[32]
  • 道路或小路不会因为在同一地区的反复交通而被磨损成普通的地面。[32]


  • 夏季开放的路径在冬季可能会关闭。[36]
  • 季节性影响可能会对通过大篷车运输货物造成障碍或堵塞。[34][35][37]
    • 一些事件可能会导致特定的道路被封锁。[34]
    • 障碍物可能会在道路上出现障碍,玩家必须清除这些障碍物以允许货物过境。[36]
  • 水在冬天会变成冰,使玩家能够在水面上行走,但却阻挡了玩家进入水面下的东西。[36]
    • 冰会使道路颠簸和湿滑。[38]

地下世界 路线 将动态地打开或关闭 (基于节点状态).[39]

自由领地 不可以放在接近于 道路.[40]

Dungeon locations

地下城 and other points of interest are located throughout the map in-between the 85 node locations.[24]

POIs of this size do not normally attach to just a single node. Usually there are multiple nodes that can potentially influence a large POI. The theming within the node occurs around storylines or NPC spawns and events.[22]Steven Sharif
  • The difficulty level and loot tables of these encounters will change based on this influence.[23][24]


